The Poseidon Primary Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is an active and dynamic group of dedicated parents and carers who have a significant input into student well-being, providing a wide range of educational resources for students and fostering the great sense of community which exists at our school.  They support the school by fundraising throughout the year, managing The Canteen and running The Uniform Shop.


The objectives of the Poseidon Primary P&C are:

  • Foster community interest in education
  • Promote closer liaison between school and the community
  • Assist in the provision of school amenities

Parents are able to help out in many ways; by attending the monthly committee meetings, going on the roster to help in The Canteen or Uniform Shop, or volunteering to help with fundraising events such as discos and sausage sizzles.  The Poseidon Primary P&C operates one of the only full-time public primary school canteens in the northern suburbs.  They also provide funding for online learning programs, such as Reading Eggs and Mathletics, and purchase texts for classroom reading comprehension and spelling programs.


P&C Committee meetings are held once per term in the Staff Room.  Please check newsletters and the P&C facebook page for dates of the next meeting.   This dedicated and hard working group needs the support of more parents and families, and parents and carers are always welcome and encouraged to attend, share their ideas and provide input on decision making.  The committee members are happy to chat to parents and carers who cannot attend about any ideas or feedback and are able to bring issues to the meeting for discussion.


To become a member of the P&C, please complete a P&C Registration Form and bring with you to a meeting with the $1 payment.  Members have voting rights and can become an executive commitee member should they nominate themselves for a role.    


Our 2024 P&C Executive Committee members are:


President Leanne Colgan
Vice President Tannille Purcell
Secretary Tamsin Formaggio
Treasurer Chloe Bailey
Canteen Coorindator Alive Wigley
Fundraising Co-ordinator Justine Chatterton
Uniform Co-ordinator Ev Taylor
Communications Co-ordinator Tannille Purcell

© 2022 Poseidon Primary School