At Poseidon Primary School we recognise that regular physical activity plays an important part in a healthy lifestyle. All students participate in physical education classes in programs that differ across the year levels. We also offer running club before school and a morning fitness program run by the Faction Captains and Vice Captains with classes at the start of each day.
The Junior PE Program focuses on teaching and developing the Fundamental Movement Skills of the students. Fundamental Movement Skills are the movement patterns that involve different body parts. They are the foundation movements to the more specialised, complex skills used in play, games, sports, dance, gymnastics, outdoor education and physical recreation.
These skills may include:
The Senior PE Program is inclusive of a variety of sports, providing opportunities for students to learn and develop sport specific skills that are underpinned by their Fundamental Movement Skills. There is a focus on tactics and teamwork, and this is supported and developed further through participation in Inter-School Sport Carnivals.
We want all of our students to enjoy the fun and excitement of participating in sport. We hope that students develop an on-going, positive attitude towards being healthy and active and that they carry this with them for the rest of their lives.
Hat – Every student should bring a wide brimmed hat to school every day as they are a requirement for playing outside during recess and lunch. The hats are also required during PE lessons. If students don’t have a school wide brimmed hat, they may not be able to participate in some aspects of the PE lesson.
Drink Bottle – All students should bring a drink bottle with them to their PE lesson. This saves a lot of time when we’re working on the courts or oval and ensures students stay well hydrated, especially in the summer months.
Footwear – It is very important that students have a fully closed in shoe that fits snugly around their foot. Sandals and boots can be problematic and potentially dangerous to wear during sport activities.
The Sporting Schools Program is an Australian Government initiative that aims to provide a range of sporting programs that will increase your child’s interest and participation in sport. The program is designed to create stronger links between children and local sporting clubs and encouraging a lifelong love of sport. At Poseidon Primary School the funding grants are utilised on sport specific coaching and the purchase of new resources and equipment.
Our students participate in a range of sports events over the course of the school year. The two main whole school events are the Cross Country Carnival in Term Two and the Faction Athletics Carnival in Term Three.
Poseidon Primary School is a member of the Oceanside School Cluster along with Heathridge, Eddystone, Craigie Heights, Springfield and Beldon Primary Schools. Through this association, we compete in an Inter-School Cross Country Carnival (Year 3 to 6) and Inter-School Athletics Carnival (Year 1 to 6). Senior students also compete in a number of sport specific events:
Wintersports: During Term 2, every Friday afternoon the seniors practice in teams and compete against the other schools in the Oceanside School Cluster in Netball, AFL, Soccer and Hockey. We hold a series of friendly matches culminating in the Lightning carnival to decide an overall champion for the four sports.
Dodgeball Competition: During Term 4, the year 6 boys and girls compete against the local schools in a dodgeball tournament. This is held a Beldon Primary School and is a year 6 favourite.
Interm Swimming is a school-based swimming program for children from Pre-primary to Year 6. These compulsory lessons are part of the Physical Education curriculum. Swimming lessons ensure children develop vital swimming and water safety skills. Students are transported from Poseidon Primary to Craigie Leisure Centre for 10 daily lessons over a two-week period. These lessons take place during the school day. Permission and information regarding cost will be made available to families prior to lessons commencing.
© Poseidon Primary School